The usual HCFA 1500 (12-90) fashion the current the medical profession has used up for different ages is now outdated and making replaced by the "new and improved" CMS 1500 (08-05) form. There are numerous differences in the two forms. Some blabber was removed, select changed, particularlly added, and the size of various boxes was increased or decreased. Some of the boxes are split and select are shaded. HCFA 1500 to CMS 1500 - the seven big unrest you might desire to appreciate in regards to to right extensive a CMS 1500 form.
1. The new CMS 1500 accommodates the reporting of the NPI number. This is by far the a multitude of major tweak in the new form. The former settings for provider identification rates are now split to two boxes in one side of the box shaded. The NPI large amount of goes in the less significant state of the correctly box investing in the !no! ID concentrations directly above in the shaded sector of the split box.
2. The barcode was removed on the header. The barcode was removed to permit for a perfect space in the header for the payer address information.
3. "Please do not staple in the area" was removed based on what i read in the header. Medicare asks you to staple attachments to the top heart of a single contend form.
4. You See "Tricare" was added above "Champus" in box 1.
5. "Type of Service" was removed from what i read in box 24C. This field is now identified "EMG". The NUCC reports the feedback on the sector was such a Type of Service was no longer necessary for a claim.
6. The field "Reserved for local use" was removed from the form.
7. "The NUCC Instruction Manual out there at:" was added.
These are the record fluctuations you ought to discover when you commence completing the new CMS 1500 forms. Make assured you give the impression them in closely so you undergo a diffused transition from what i read in the HCFA 1500 to CMS 1500 forms.